If we love creation, learn more about it!

From our Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry: 

Remember this quote shared by Fr. Brian Petersen in his Cathedral Creation Care Sunday sermon?

“In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught.” Baba Dioum

Here is one teaching: the enlightening PBS series, Women of the Earth “…capturing the resilient work of female land stewards across the US. Click here to watch.

Grow to understand your bioregion: take a hike with EDSD Sacred Trails, in partnership with our EDSD Creation Care Community! Various locations at various times: Click here to view the details.

Then consider conserving what you love with this action: Protest Sempra at the Annual Shareholders Meeting, Thursday, May 9, at 9 am, 488 Eighth Ave, San Diego.

Join a creative call to action: Sempra, the local fossil fuel company, is Fracking our Future. With guerilla theater, a 10’ “fracking derrick”, and inspiring speakers learn how Sempra is making massive shareholder profits at the expense of our climate and health during their annual shareholder meeting. Contact petriep2@gmail.com

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